Harmony Day Program is unlike any other available in Woodland. As you explore our program you will see that Harmony has specially designed rooms for sensory stimulation, media and is fully stocked with specially adapted computers, games and activity stations. There is ample room for the clients, and lots of staff available to facilitate the enjoyment of the activities which take place there.

Harmony Day Program was designed with the developmentally disabled client in mind. Our full time licensed staff have decades of experience with gtubes, seizure disorders, assessments and behaviors.

The program is designed around the client rather than the client being made to adapt to the program. Over many years of observing our clients in other day programs, a “wish list” was created, an image of the perfect program fashioned around the needs of our clients. These wishes and images were allowed to come to life at Harmony Day Program! We will forever be grateful to Alta California Regional Center for their help in making Harmony Day Program possible.

Program Design
The purpose of Harmony is to assist, through training and guidance, persons with developmental disabilities in their transition from developmental centers to the community.

The program will serve adult consumers in the profound to moderate range of retardation with an emphasis on the specialized needs of the medically fragile.

Harmony accepts adult consumers who are ambulatory or non-ambulatory, verbal or non-verbal, incontinent or who require toileting assistance. It is anticipated that the adult consumers admitted to the program will have training needs in the domains of self-help skills, communication and mobility skills. Some adult consumers may also have behavioral challenges.


Harmony Day Program is located in spacious quarters at 1250 Harter Avenue in Woodland, CA.